Friday, February 8, 2008

Models Hit NY Fashion Week

Jay was voted off this week. It was time...he just wasn't getting better. The remaining models were invited to see a fashion show at NY Fashion Week. NO photo shoot this's all about the runway. Ronnie was so happy he cried. After the show everyone went out to celebrate Ronnie and Ben's birthday at dinner. Jacki showed off her skill of farting on command. Real classy!!

During runway class, Ben flirted with Ronnie to help him walk more natural. Ben wanted to help because Ronnie had been helping him with his walk at the house. Then they all got new outfits. Everyone gets their chance to walk the runway during fashion week. First up the girls...they show off their walks in the FORM runway show. Holly rocked the runway making a great impression on the client. Jackie and Katy didn't fair so good. Back at the house a game between the models shows people's true colors.

Next the guys take the cat walk in the R. Scott French show. People that were the strongest early on didn't do as good. Ben and Casey were the top walkers in the clients eyes. At the gym Kati, Frankie and Casey for not working hard enough. The other models have a conversation about Kati's weight and work ethic when she's not around.

The catwalk assignment is all about NY Downtown Grunge. Ben won the runway show.
Talk about a comeback. Good thing Ronnie helped Ben with his walk...too bad Ben wasn't at the end of the runway to help Ronnie. This week the bottom 3 included Katy...again. She is probably going to stay in the bottom until America gets tired of saving her. Please stop voting for Katy to's time...let her go home!!

3 Models Up For Elimination - Week 5