Friday, February 8, 2008

Keep the Dirty out the Dancing

Last night was the premiere episode of Randy Jackson presents: America's Best Dance Crew, and it was pretty good. I was probably the only person happy to see Layla Kayleigh be the backstage interviewer. That Brooke chick from the audition episodes sucked, and I have love for Layla since I'm one of the nerds that watch and know what G4 is.

So about the dancing, the show was split up into three rounds, and the judges would save the best group from elimination. This week all the crews danced to a mega-mix of their favorite songs. Live in Color was saved after dancing with JabbaWockeeZ and Fysh n Chicks. Status Quo was saved over Enigma Dance Kru and Femme5. In the last round, Kaba Modern was saved over BreakSk8 and Iconic. Then the judges saved all but two but the "bottom two" groups from the battle zone. When the judges saved Femme5 over Iconic to face Enigma- the audience and even myself was a little irritated. First of all, I actually like Femme5. Maybe it's Chicago pride, maybe because I love my sexy-pop routines, but if the judges are going to clown- i mean- critique them as harshly as they do (I'm talking 'bout you Shane Sparks- really? you gonna comment on their underwear not matching!?!), but then you going to save them over Iconic who they seem to love more than Femme5. I'm just confused by that. My only reason for saving them is because Iconic had a prayer at beating Enigma in the battle zone. This time the battle was done to a live performance of "Low" by Flo Rida. Honestly I feel that Enigma was better in the battle than Iconic, but I don't believe Iconic should have been there in the first place. So Enigma was sent home due to a combination of a not-so-hot routine and a Jerry Springer of a behind the scenes segment. However, the show left me wondering, Why the f*ck should I vote? If the judges practically kicked off the loser... why am I voting for next week? Is some one going to be saved by being the viewer favorite? Am I saving others to leave someone in the battle zone? What is my vote doing? Tell me Mario Lopez because all I do know is that it's not going to help O'Bama win states. The delayed- voting effect is one of the big problems I have with Dance War: Bruno vs. Carrie Ann. Don't give me this broke down format, MTV.

So why was Engima sent home? Before each of the dancers did their routine, there were some behind the scenes segments of the crews in their hometown and rehearsing for the show. Live In Color didn't finish their routine at rehearsal (but blew the judges away), Enigma kicked a girl out of the group, and even BreakSk8 had their issues to work through. All the other crews seemed to look like feel-good Oprah charities. Kaba Modern's Yuri cried with her parents support. The ladies of Femme5 are chasing their dreams, and even the JabbaWockeeZ felt like the family reunion I wish I had. By far, Enigma won the "Most Dysfunctional" award. Don't they watch Top Model? Ugly don't win, dance crews! Don't let us see you bleed. In the end of the day, we want to see a happy Disney movie moment - get it together before our votes really matter! Don't let us think this competition is too much for you because you will be let out of it in hopes that you all can fix yourselves off-camera.

Since I can't pick who will win, I will say Kaba Modern (mix with Daft Punk), JabbaWockeeZ (mix with One Republic), and Live in Color (mix with Sean Paul) win the "YouTube That Shit" awards of the week. Be warned. Those that search Kaba Modern extensively will notice that they have done part of their routine before. However, it's just as sick then as it is now/last night/whenever, and it looks a hell of a lot better on TV. I'm friends with Kaba Modern- in my head. Also I hope Femme5 knows how to battle because thats the second time (out of two) they have been involved with studio audience booing. Shout out to Fysh n Chicks- kill it next week!