Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Snoop The Super Spy

OK...I put off watching this show as long as I could. I finally watched it today and I was very surprised. Snoop tried something new this week on his show. Everyone is in Germany with Snoop as he hosts an awards show...but it's Shante's birthday. They were having a hard time finding food they want to eat. The local favorites didn't hit the spot. Shante wanted real food for her birthday dinner. So it becomes Mission Impossible to give her a good birthday dinner.

Snoop gets on his trusty cell phone and calls Ted (Snoop's right hand man) and tells them to find the ingredients need for him to cook dinner. Then we follow him thru the streets of Germany asking people to make chicken sounds. Ted can't find what Snoop needs.
I really find that hard to believe he couldn't find chicken wings. Well...Ted calls, Uncle Reo (one of Snoop uncles) to have him bring the stuff from New Jersey to Germany. Ted was going to put him on a commercial airline with raw chicken going into another country...not going to happen. It's for Snoop, where was the private jet?? Since Uncle Reo couldn't get on the plane, he called Uncle Nudi (another one), who is just happens to be stationed at a military air base in Germany.

Oh by the way there's a clock at the bottom of the screen reminding us how much time is left...very 24 of them. Uncle Nudi arrives at the hotel with a glowing case of secret ingredients.
Shante was all dress up and looking great for her party. Finally, they surprise Shante at a German restaurant. But the big surprise was them bring out chicken wings and enough comfort food to feed an army. Mission Completed!!