Saturday, January 12, 2008

Nadia You're Fired!!

This week the celebrities had to make a 30-second television commercial for the Pedigree Adoption Drive. The leader of the women's team was Nely Galán and Gene Simmons lead the men.

The men won again...but not without issues. Winning always seems to bring people together. The men's commercial featured Lennox Lewis in the ad with a very cute puppy. The women keep making the same mistake...not using their celebrity. They hired actors for their commercial and did extra things that the client didn't ask for (like a radio spot). The boardroom came down to Nely Galán, Carol Alt and Nadia Comeneci.

Trump said, "I love you... But Nadia, you're fired".
Funny...I really didn't remember she was even on the show in the first place. Nadia was playing for the Special Olympics.

Check out Reality TV World for a detailed recap...very detailed.