Thursday, February 7, 2008

Ricky Has Left The Runway

It was a sad day for me...Ricky has left the Runway. I know everyone is dogging his designs on the show...but he is so sweet...all soft and pink. I love him!! He is a friend in my head. (Shout out to Wendy Williams)

I was excited to see what the designers were going to do this week with the WWE Divas. Truly, it was the tackiest challenge this season...but it was suppose to be fun. Chris referred to it as stripper/tranny wear. I think that was a good description. I never even thought
about Spandex House before...but I guess you have to get it somewhere. Chris also had made a statement that it should have been drag queens. I bet that would have really perked things up in the work room.

The real challenge was to make outfits that fit their clients in ring character. Before they even hit the runway I know who would have the best outfits. It was clear that the top 3 were Chris (Maria), Christian (Krystal) and Jillian (Michelle). I don't even know what Rami was think with that horrible pink outfit he made for Torrie.
I felt really bad for Sweet P and Candice Michelle because it was a mess from head to toe. Ricky's outfit for Layla looked like a swimsuit with a gold tent over it.

The guest judges were Heatherette (love them). The winner this week was Chris (this was a perfect runway for him). Maria will wear his design on a WWE show. I think she has already wore the top on one of the shows. It would have been nice if they would have done something in WWE magazine...maybe they will at some point. Sweet P and Ricky were in the bottom two...and Ricky got the auf wiedersehen. To come off the win from the Levi's challenge, then lose the next one is hard...I guess it was time. I think your GREAT RICKY!!

Winning Design by Chris, modeled by WWE Diva Maria