Friday, February 1, 2008

Big Pussy Resigns

Vinnie Resigns!! If you missed the 2-hour Celebrity Apprentice it was confusing to say the least. After winning $50,000.00 for his charity, Vinnie and the guys seem unstoppable. The next challenge is to create a receptacle for people to donate their old Crocs for recycling. The recycled shoes get turned into new shoes for people that need shoes around the world.

The project manager for the men's team was Piers. The guys were down one man because Tito had a fight. Trump suggests that Carol lead the women as project manager. When the team arrive at the location to work...they soon realize that their rooms are right next to each other. The men think the women are trying to listen in on their meeting. The men create a fake argument between Vinnie and Pier. Vinnie is then kicked out of the room to try and get info on what the women are doing.

Vinnie offers the women his help...all the time he was there to spy. Before leaving, Vinnie passes a note to the men's team with the info from the women's team. At this point Stephen didn't want anything to do with it. Vinnie is also having a change of heart and confesses to Marilu in the van. When it's time to check on the teams...Piers tells Ivanka about the spying plan and Vinnie tells Donald Jr. that he has become a double agent. Why are they telling anything?

Later, Piers makes a joke during the Carol's photo shoot about "sharing the love"...which happens to be the slogan for their campaign. Why would he rat Vinnie out? A move to get Vinnie fired.
When the women find out Vinnie is a spy they fire him. Once he gets back to the men's team the real fighting begins and Vinnie is left with no team. In the boardroom, Vinnie is the odd man out standing up behind the team. The women end up winning the challenge even if they didn't want to admit that Vinnie helped. The big green Croc would have got my vote too. As project manager 10,000 pairs of shoes will be donated to people in Africa in Carol's name and $20,000.00 goes to the Tony Alt Memorial Foundation.

In a surprise move Vinnie resigns. Trump wants to talk about it first. For a moment Vinnie acted like he wanted to stay...but Trump accepts is resignation and doesn't fire him. The show ended much like the final episode of the Sopranos...the same music, strange guy lurking in the background and the screen went black. Funny

I went to the Crocs site to check out the program (Wear A Pair, Share A Pair)...looks like they used a variation of the slogan the mens team came up with (Men's Team - Wear Them, Share Them).