Friday, January 25, 2008

Olympic Gold Medalist...Fired!!

The teams have to sell tickets to 4 Broadway plays. The project leaders are Marilu Henner (Taxi and Broadway) and Vincent Pastore (The Sopranos). Special guest judge was Vince McMahon from the WWE.

Marilu uses her Broadway connections to get additional help...including having
David Hyde Pierce come out. The women didn't have anything for him to do. He just stood on the side of the tent and took a few pictures. Nely calls some of her friends to buy tickets buy the one of the big checks doesn't make it there in time.

Vincent spent most of his time trying to keep Stephen and Piers away from each other. Piers makes some calls to get some large amounts for their tickets. He even takes one for the team by dressing up in a King Author costume.

Back in the boardroom, they announce how much money each team raised. The women raised $31,757.00 but the men raised $33,300.00. Another win for the men. Vincent receives $50,000.00 for his charity
Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research (Mitchell Berke Memorial) and the rest goes to the fund for Public Schools.

Even though Nely told Trump that Marilu should be fired...Marilu decides to bring Carol and Jennie back to the boardroom. Saw that one coming a mile away. It was easy for Trump this week because Jennie and Carol both took a backseat in the challenge. Not sure why Carol is such a threat on the team...they keep her in the boardroom. Donald tells Jennie Finch that she is fantastic but you're fired.