Monday, January 14, 2008

Bret's VIP Girls

Bret Michaels has a new mansion and new women to throw themselves at him. I know a lot of guys would love to have that job. Last season, some of the ladies didn't make it in the house. This time around Bret choose 4 girls to be his VIP's. The VIP girls have their own suite, goodie bags, champagne and some very important uninterrupted alone time with Bret.

To my surprise he picked Erin (one of the black women) to be a VIP. To bad she used her one on one time to talk about MySpace, instead of sitting in his lap & putting her tongue down his throat. I guess she didn't watch season 1. She thought
she had a lock because she was a VIP girl...well...not so much. She was eliminated the first night.

I would like to thank the VH1 casting for finally putting 2 black woman on the show that look like they should be there. I don't think a black woman can win on Rock of Love but at least they are going in the right direction.

Looks like we will see some familiar faces on Rock Of Love this season...Lacey, Rodeo and of course fan favorite Heather.

Highlights from the 1st episode:

  1. One girl got so drunk that she sleep through elimination.
  2. One girl got a pass to stay in the house but then decided she should leave.
  3. A French girl that looks like slutty Barbie.
  4. Pole dancing...pole dancing...pole dancing.