Monday, December 10, 2007

Run Snoop Run

Last night Snoop Dogg's Fatherhood premiered. The show starts with the housekeeper the house is a mess and no one wants to clean up. Snoop has a doctor's appointment but when he gets there he doesn't want the doctor to take blood. So in true reality show fashion...she sends him to Yoga. When he goes back to the doctor's office...she sends him to get acupuncture. This was the best moment of the show. When Snoop gets there the guy is blind...yep a blind acupuncturist...Why a doctor would send someone that doesn't like needles to an acupuncturist is beyond me? Snoop gets out of the office so fast the cameraman is running trying to catch up. When he gets home...he ends up cleaning the house and finally the kids start to help.