Thursday, November 8, 2007

You can't look your way into Menudo!

To my surprise, Making Menudo was not re-aired as much as I expected to be. I actually had to watch this past weeks episode online! Apparently MTV doesn't believe in it as much either. Any who- Johnny chose Jorge, JC, and Dennis to sing "When The Lights Go Out" by British, recently reunited boy band, 5ive. JC was the problem child of the week because his singing and dancing abilities are not as good as the others. Johnny and crew, even JC himself, openly admitted throughout the entire episode that JC has the "Menudo-look" and that pretty much got him this far. Meanwhile, Jorge's mom is going to the hospital during his performance to make sure her current ailments are not a sign of brain tumor part 2. Then, Johnny has a Tyra trying to be Oprah moment where he talks about his mother having cancer during JT's budding solo career. Really Johnny. So they perform, Johnny says they failed as a group. Jorge stood out too much, Dennis didn't stand out enough, and JC didn't "connect " to the crowd and messed up the choreography.

In the end, Denni
s was kicked out, JC was recycled to the mix, and Jorge is pseudo-safe since he managed to perform well even with his mom in the hospital. It's something Johnny called professionalism. JC couldn't look his way into Menudo, but it saved his ass from going home. Jorge one of the more awkward looking of the bunch, let his talent out shine his face. You know like how people are attracted to John Mayer and Marc Anthony. The end of the episode was an anticlimactic meeting of Jorge and his Mom sharing their good news with each other. However, I have to give them props because both Jorge was happier to hear the mom's news than promote his achievement. I knew I liked Jorge. I haven't done the math but I get the feeling that there will be a 5 on 5 showdown of West Side (Story) proportions between the recycled and the "psuedo-safe" at the end of this process. Now if they only get rid of the annoying narrator, the show would be easier to watch. Seriously, who thought that was a good idea?