Friday, October 29, 2010

Last Minute Halloween Costumes 2010

Like most people...I wait until the last minute to get a Halloween Costume. Here are my suggestions for quick and easy costumes that you can throw together at the last minute. You should be able to get all the pieces very easy. Please send me pictures!!

Real Housewife/Basketball Wife:
Wavy Hair style (Break out the weave/wig)
Tight Dress (push the twins up)
High Heels
Child support/divorce papers or engagement ring (for the hopeful)
Snappy comebacks to other women about how your are classier then they are. This costume can go wrong quick...just remember "your a lady." 

Internet star Antoine Dodson:
Black tank top
Red Bandana
Wild Black wig
Rolled up paper
You may need to sing the learn the words before going out.

Snooki from MTV's Jersey Shore:
Short dress or shorts
House shoes or Flip-flops
Fake Tan
Jar of Pickles
Plastic cup/beer bottle
Hair Pouf/Bump It