The winner of Top Chef D.C. is Kevin Sbraga. He is the first black person to win the popular competition show. This season did have more black people compared to past seasons. Which is a plus! Kevin definitely was the come back kid. I'm just glad he went into the finals ready to cook his food. And that is a winner in my book. It's so easy to let other people around you distract you during of the finals.
The final 3 chefs where Kevin, Ed and Angelo. I liked Ed and thought he would win...until he was making the dessert. That's when I started to get worried. My overall favorite on the show was Tiffany Derry. I'm glad she won some of the challenges.
Click here to read Kevin's first interview after winning Top Chef.
The Top Chef reunion show will air Wednesday, Sept. 22 @ 9/8c on Bravo.