Friday, July 24, 2009
SYTYCD turns 100!
SYTYCD turned 100 episodes old. Many of the alums came back to watch in the audience and some of those alums performed. The Hummingbird & The Flower, The Bench, and Ramalama (featuring Wade himself!) were the revisited routines of the night. I was underwhelmed by the Kate Holmes stint. I mean I think it was talked about too much before the show and anything not LIVE at this point is lackluster. Surprises all around, Evan was safe and Jason and one of my (and Mia's) favorites, Janette was sent home. Lame. Good luck Janette! You kinda rocked the show so I wouldn't mind seeing you finding your way back into the limelight. Music videos? Dancing With The Stars perhaps? Don't let us google you in vain.