Class – Thing 1&2 vs. Hotlanta (Eating expensive gourmet food - ex. Brains) – Thing 1&2 Win
Hotter – Myammee vs. Bunz (Hottest body temperature after workout) – Myammee Wins
Fastest Momma – Seezinz vs. Prancer (Dress a fake kid and get him to the bus stop) – Prancer Wins
Spiritual – Thing 1 & 2 vs. Mymee (Preach to a choir) – Myammee Wins
Luckier – Shy vs. Sinceer (Game of Blackjack) - Shy Wins
Smarter – Prancer vs. Shy (Explain how the sun works to Flav) – Prancer Wins
Save Flav – Prancer vs. Myammee (Save a Flav mannequin in the pool) - Prancer wins solo date.
Bunz said that it was just a game and her kids are more important…the other girls didn’t have a problem telling Flav about it. Someone calls the house and said that Myammee owes him $1000.00. Shy and Myammee argue about the mystery phone call. Flav has a talk with Bunz and Myammee…but he doesn’t get all the answers he was hoping for.
Flav's Love Connections (Winner of the date):
- Prancer – Body paint date
Crazy Alert:
- Rayna – And she isn’t even in the house.
Bad Breath Alert:
- Shy – Flav told her she must have a bad tooth or something...and it needs to be corrected.