Friday, January 4, 2008

Playmate Fired

Tiffany Fallon, Playboy Playmate, was the first celebrity to get fired by Trump. The celebrities were broken up into Men vs. Women. The first challenge was to sell hot dogs on a corner in New York City.

The women were headed by
Omarosa and the men picked Steven Baldwin as project manager. The women raised $17,038.79 and the men raised $52,286.00 in hot dogs sells (thanks to some $5-10,000 per hot dog). The combined earnings ($69,324.79) went to Steven's Charity - The Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund.

Omarosa brought Carol Alt and Tiffany Fallon to the boardroom. Tiffany was fired mainly because she didn't call Hugh Hefner and ask him to buy something. She was wanting to save him for later...well...maybe if they do a season 2.