Thursday, December 13, 2007

Skinny Bitch

This week the usual models were replaced with real women that lost a lot of weight. The designers have to use the ladies favorite outfit from when they were heavier. Jack gets sick and has to leave the competition. He was defiantly a one of the best designers…everyone was sad to see him go. Since they had an open spot, the producers brought back Chris. Everyone was happy to see him…but you have to wonder if they were hoping no one would be sent home since Jack had to leave. He had to work thru the night to finish the outfit for the runway.

The judges had some good outfits this week. My favorites were Ricky, Kevin, Christian, and Jillian. The winner was Christian he made a great outfit!! I would love to have that shirt. The bottom 2 designers were Steven and Elisa. This week Steven was sent home. Poor Steven…he was defeated from the start when he ending up with the wedding dress. You know Chris was glad he didn’t get sent home back to back.