Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Internship Is Over...Finally

Its Jenna’s birthday but the teams have to get to work on the ad campaign. A guy shows up at the door in a purple outfit to dance/strip for Jenna. The girls were very happy…even Kathy. The guys leave the room during the show. They are getting ready to go out to celebrate when Jenna sees the birthday gift from Marc. This just makes them closer…I guess she will break up with her boyfriend soon.

The teams set-up there photo shoots. Jenna is not pulling her weight on the team. She doesn’t go with the team to meet with the photographer. When they get back, Jenna finds out they changed the ad. So, she is mad about them making decisions with out her. GO figure…don’t show up for work and people do stuff without you…hummm.

It’s the Finale Baby…the internship is almost over. They have to make the car ad presentations. The Red Team had some problems with their presentation. The speaking is not on point, the PowerPoint was missing a slide and they miss some points. The executives ask some questions and Jenna tells them that she didn’t have any say in the ad. Dr. Ian tells her she is throwing someone under the bus in front of the executives. The Blue Team does a great presentation that the executives love. Of course the Blue Team wins.

There is one final challenge for the interns. They have to promote (create a flyer w/logo, produce a radio ad and create a street team) the McDonald’s LIVE Concert Tour stop in Chicago. The interns decide to go out…but before they leave they have a few drinks (Jenna had a few too many).

The teams are out promoting the concert. The day of the concert the Blue Team is on site early in the morning. When the Red Team arrives later to find out they are behind. The teams start hustling to get people checked in. As the tickets are being counted the interns enjoy the concert. After the show, it was announced that the Red Team won the final challenge. The interns go out for a final dinner together. Dr. Ian tells Kathy that she is the MVP of the internship and Spencer was his Most Improved. He gives them some gifts (a copy of his book and iPhones). Dr. Ian leaves and they have fun looking back on the summer. Nothing like remembering drunken moments together. If you’re looking for them…check out our MySpace friends know MySpace is the home of all reality show people.