Friday, December 28, 2007

Best & Worst TV of 2007

As we say goodbye to 2007, let us reflect on some of the shows we have seen this year.

Best TV Shows of 2007

  1. Boondocks - This season was funnier, smarter and even after watching every episode...I can watch them over and over again. We have the whole season on TiVO. When the DVD comes out...I'm buying it.
  2. Ugly Betty - Love the ride the writers are taking us on. Can't wait to see what's next!
  3. Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane - It's Kimora!! What more can you say? One of the only reality shows that seemed like you were a fly on the wall and not given fake situations to watch.
Worst TV Shows of 2007
  1. Cavemen - This was the funny commercial that turned into the unfunny TV show.
  2. Keeping up with the Kardashians - They should have moved this show to the Playboy channel and let the Playboy team do it the right way.
  3. All the singing game shows - Why is everyone singing?? I enjoy bad singing as much as the next person...but this was too much. I'm sticking to American Idol.